
How Often Should I Water Bermuda Sod

Although Bermuda grass is a smashing drought-resistant grass, providing information technology with too niggling or too much h2o can make it prone to disease and pests. So, how much h2o does Bermuda grass require?

Bermuda grass requires 1/2 inch to three/iv inch of water every one to three weeks. During summer, the grass will need i to 1.25 inches of water every week to survive. If the Bermudagrass lawn is established on sandy soil, provide 0.v-inch of water equally ofttimes as every three days.

Watering is an essential function of Bermuda backyard care, as information technology helps promote deeper root development for a fuller, greener turf. However, the watering needs of a Bermuda turf may differ depending on the season of the year.

How much h2o does Bermuda grass need?

Bermuda grass water requirements and schedule

The merits that Bermuda grass is drought-tolerant is only true in the sense that it can withstand long periods of drought without dying out. However, the grass will however plough brown if it does non go acceptable h2o.

Here'south a table showing how much h2o Bermuda grass requires:

Flavour H2o requirements
Spring 0.v-0.75 inches per week
Summertime one-1.25 inches every 7 days
Autumn 1 inch of water once a month
Winter 1 inch of water per month

Since home lawns also serve an artful purpose past contributing towards adjourn appeal, you need to fairly h2o your Bermuda turf to go along it looking lush and green and prevent it from turning brown. In the absence of consistent, weekly rainfall, you should maintain a regular irrigation schedule for your Bermuda lawn.

Bermuda turfs typically need roughly an inch of water every week.

How often to h2o Bermuda grass

Water your bermuda grass backyard deeply with 1 inch of water simply as often equally once every week. This frequency helps roots grow deeper, which volition be an added reward for saving water during summer.

It's advisable to h2o your Bermuda grass deeply and infrequently. Since this turfgrass species typically needs an inch of water every seven days, consider irrigating the lawn with an inch of water on simply a single solar day of the week, every week. This is as opposed to applying a quarter inch of h2o for four consecutive days.

Exceptional merely deep watering helps to condition the Bermuda grass roots to grow deeper into the soil profile. With deeper root institution, Bermuda grass can benefit from increased moisture access.

Pro tip: Adjust your watering schedule depending on how much rainfall you're receiving in your surface area. For example, if in that location are puddles of water on your lawn  after consecutive days of heavy downpours, avoid irrigating your lawn during that week. Once the rainfall stops and the runoff water is captivated, you tin resume your regular irrigation schedule.

Best time to water Bermuda grass

The best time to water Bermuda grass is between early on morning time  and mid-morning to allow the water on grass blades to dry earlier sunset. Avoid watering your lawn at night because temperatures are low at this fourth dimension, assuasive moisture to settle on grass blades for too long. Wet increases the run a risk of turf diseases.

READ More than: All-time Times of Day to Mow Your Lawn

Observe your lawn closely to make sure information technology is not deprived of h2o. You'll detect changes on your turf that will hateful it is time to irrigate.

Here are the signs Bermuda grass needs watering:

  • Curling or wilting leaves
  • Foliage blades turning into a dark bluish – grey colour
  • If there's been an extended period of dry hot weather

With these signs, y'all may be tempted to overwater your backyard to compensate for the drought. There are some side effects of that as I've elaborated below.

Tin can you overwater Bermuda grass?

Overwatering Bermuda grass is not a good idea because it clogs the root surface area, keeps the backyard overly moist for prolonged periods, and interferes with root development. An overwatered lawn is prone to fungal diseases as well as pest attacks.

Signs of an overwatered turf include:

  • Lawn fungus (brown patches)
  • Shallow roots
  • The ground feels spongy
  • Buildup of excessive thatch

For starters, overwatering will virtually likely create soil compaction problems, which then prevents the turf from springing back under heavy foot traffic unless you aerate and dethatch adequately. As such, y'all stop up with foot marks on your backyard. The same applies to mowing after overwatering, as yous'll finish up with cruddy lawnmower tire tracks on your backyard.

Soil compaction by mode of overwatering occurs when runoff water droplets form tight bonds that seal off surreptitious air pockets. This also cuts off the supply of oxygen to the Bermuda grass root zone. As a event the Bermuda roots dice out as the soil compaction due to airtight air pockets inhibits their spread, with the lack of oxygen worsening the state of affairs.

Luckily, you can remedy lawn soil compaction of this nature by combining dethatching with cadre aeration.

Overwatering a Bermuda turf can likewise lead to backyard affliction. Harmful fungi similar dollar spot and brown patch fungi love to breed in consistently moisture conditions and will exist easily attracted to an overwatered lawn with runoff water/puddling.

These fungi leave dead spots on your Bermuda grass blades, leaving you with ugly-looking sections on the lawn.

Finally, overwatering also causes microbes to penetrate into your lawn soil, consequently hampering root growth and development. These leaner prefer moist atmospheric condition and will cause the Bermuda roots to decay.

Remedy for Overwatering

To avoid overwatering your Bermuda turf, permit the lawn to dry up afterward every irrigation session. This volition assist lessen the chances of runoff water causing soil compaction and pathogen problems.

You should too avoid applying more than i inch of h2o per irrigation session, as chances are that your turfgrass won't have stale out by nightfall if y'all irrigate information technology that much at in one case.

Watering Bermuda grass in bound

During leap, Bermuda grass does not require as much irrigation equally it would during summer months. Nonetheless, newly sodded grass may require a little more than water to faster growth and spreading into a thick turf.

Hither'southward a bermuda grass bound water maintenance guide:

  • Spring h2o requirements: 0.5 to 0.75 inches h2o
  • Watering frequency: once per vii days

During the spring months of March, April, and May, Bermuda grass requires 0.5-0.75 inches of h2o every seven days, as an existing Bermuda grassturf doesn't normally crave also much h2o at this fourth dimension of the yr.

You tin can however increase the amount of water to one inch per week if you notice that the leaf blades of your Bermuda grass plants are curling/folding and yellowing due to lack of water.

Summer  Water Requirements

During the summer months of June, July, and August, irrigate your Bermuda lawn with at least 1 inch of water every seven days. This is because as the temperatures rise during these summertime months, in that location'southward increased possibility of drought stress affecting your Bermuda turf.

A regular summer irrigation schedule volition assist to forestall this from happening. Remember, too, that the amount of water needed and the summer irrigation frequency tin can be adjusted depending on the soil blazon and the environmental conditions in your region.

Fall  H2o Requirements

During the fall months of September, October, and November, yous should continue irrigating your Bermuda lawn to prevent drought stress. If Bermuda dormancy sets in early in tardily autumn, yous tin reduce the frequency of watering.

At this time of the twelvemonth when Bermuda turf growth stops, you still demand to water the lawn, admitting less often, to foreclose desiccation/dehydration.

Winter  Water Requirements

During wintertime, your Bermuda lawn will most likely be lying dormant already. Withal, to foreclose loss of Bermuda turf due to winter drought, you still need to water your Bermuda lawn at to the lowest degree once every iii weeks.

Should you water dormant Bermuda grass?

Bermuda grass is a warm-season turfgrass and unremarkably goes dormant during winter, with the turf turning brownish. Nevertheless, this doesn't mean that it doesn't need to exist irrigated, as Bermuda grass roots require wet to foreclose desiccation.

Notwithstanding, fallow Bermuda grass still doesn't need as much h2o every bit a Bermuda turf that's at the active growth stage. Basically, fallow Bermuda lawns need about 0.v inches of h2o every xiv-21 days. Therefore, when at that place'southward frequent winter rainfall, you can avoid irrigating the lawn.

How Long Should Yous H2o to Get 1 Inch?

At present that you know how much water and how often to irrigate Bermuda grass, how exercise you measure out the corporeality of water you're applying to your backyard when using sprinklers? How long should y'all run your sprinklers to get ane inch of water?

Hither'south how:

  1. Position about five plastic cups in in your lawn and turn on the sprinkler for about an hour. Then, measure the depth of water collected in each loving cup.
  2. Add together up the total depth and divide by five to determine the average depth of water in inches applied per hour by your sprinkler system.
  3. Now, separate i inch by the above average figure to gauge how long information technology'll have you to gargle your Bermuda backyard with one inch of water.

For instance, if the average depth per hour is 0.5 inches, it'll take you two hours to irrigate your Bermuda turf to a depth of 1 inch.


  • Fred Yelverton et al, Extension Specialist (Turfgrass/Provender Crop Weed Mgt) Crop & Soil Sciences, NC State University: Bermudagrass Lawn Maintenance Agenda
  • The Academy of Arizona, Higher of Agriculture and Life Sciences: Phoenix Backyard Watering Guide

How Often Should I Water Bermuda Sod,


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